Retired Ontario Provincial Police Officer Vincent Gircys Speaks Out

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By Vincent Gircys

For  32  years  my  challenging  and  confrontational  career  as  a  police  officer  provided  investigative  opportunity  and  insight  into  human  conflict.  A  day  doesn’t  go  by  without  an  opportunity  to  listen  to  both  sides  of  a  conflict  void  of  bias  before  reaching  a  decision  and  taking  the  appropriate  enforcement  action if required.As my career advanced I was eventually invited into the  realm  of  Forensic  Investigations.  I  progressed  to  the higher levels of Forensic Reconstruction, became an  expert  witness  for  the  crown  on  numerous  occasions  and  traveled  across  the  Province  of  Ontario  training  other  forensic  investigators.  The  simplicity  of  math  is  how  crime  scene  numerical  values  tell  the  factual story. The data was either consistent with witness  accounts  or  it  revealed  the  witness  was  mistaken  or  deceitful,  it  never  lied.  The  length  of  the  skid  marks  and  the  friction  coefficient  of  the  road  surface  revealed  the  speed.  Physical  evidence  doesn’t  lie.  It  requires  interpretation  by  a  skilled  investigator,  and  based on the laws of physics, reveals itself.It’s not that difficult a task, you just need the desire to  understand  and  the  training  to  know  what  you’re  looking for.Years  after  retirement  with  my  brain  still  in  analytical  mode,  the  fear  porn  of  a  novel  virus  descended  upon  the  world.  Initially  we  take  shelter  and  wait  it out. The never ending news cycle of new cases and death  rates  doesn’t  correspond  with  the  Tic  Tok  videos  of  empty  hospitals  (my  closest  friends  in  health-care sit in empty hospitals waiting to flatten a nothing burger).  Taking  a  break  from  the  mainstream  news  cycle  I  resort  to  a  simple  mathematics  assignment  to  check the data myself.Starting  with  Polymerase  Chain  Reaction  I  find  overwhelming data from multiple peer reviewed studies  that  current  testing  has  a  50-95%  error  rate.  The  case  counts  are  increasing  rapidly  as  testing  increases.  Am  I  hearing  this  correctly?  A  test  that  was  never  designed  for  virus  recognition  indicates  highly  inaccurate  false  positive  results  and  the  testing  rate  is  ramped  up  to  perpetually  increase  even  higher  false  positive  results?  Those  false  results  are  then  used  to  lock  down  the  population  and  override  the  fundamental charter and human rights. That’s not the worst part,  the  majority  of  Canadians  have  fallen  for  the  hoax.

Total Deaths January to September 
Note: From Stats Canada
2018 = 186,825
2019 = 185,200
2020 = 186,690

Yet this is being promoted as a deadly pandemic?I’m  no  stranger  to  how  powerful  a  motivating  fac-tor  fear  is.  In  my  case  it  kept  me  alive  and  moving  at  the  worst  of  times.  Today,  we  have  Canadians  fearful  of something no bigger than the annual flu which tar-gets the elderly with comorbidities. There is no doubt that this target group has been neglected to a level of “Crimes  against  Humanity’’.  Locked  down  in  solitary  confinement  for  months  left  to  die  in  loneliness.  Our  most precious and valued left behind intentionally by the  catastrophic  decisions  our  political  leaders  have  made.  The  elderly  with  comorbidities  deserve  every  resource  available  as  they  are  the  exclusive  targets.  That  fear,  brought  to  you  by  Mainstream  Media  and  Big  Tech  giants  has  programmed  the  human  mind  to  void  all  humanity  and  behave  in  ways  never  seen  before.I  still  believe  our  current  men  and  women  of  law  enforcement  are  among  the  bravest  souls  I  have  had  the  pleasure  to  work  with.  Unfortunately,  many  have  become   misguided,   having   ‘drank   the   kool-aid’.   A   police  officer’s  oath  of  office  and  the  Police  Services  Act  of  Ontario  both  prioritize  the  Canadian  Charter  of Rights and Human Rights and the primary purpose and importance of duty. Somehow that was forgotten when  100  officers  and  10  mounted  units  moved  in  to  shut down a brisket BBQ restaurant.Any  remaining  trust  or  hope  was  shattered  that  day.  Now  we  watch  our  rights  destroyed  on  a  daily  basis across this once great land. The men and women of  law  enforcement  need  to  look  deep  within  to  ask  themselves how they want history to view them.My  message  to  mankind  under  this  spell  is  this.  If  you’re afraid now, you have no idea how bad it’s going to  get  if  you  don’t  all  wake  up  very  soon,  look  at  real  data, do the math and reestablish our original normal.

“Everybody  sooner  or  later  sits  down  to  a  banquet  of  consequences”• Robert Louis Stevenson

Warning From A Retired O.P.P. Officer
Vincent Gircys is a retired (1982-2014)
Ontario Provincial Police badge 6164

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