COVID-19 Voices of Reason

Dr. Stephan Lanka PhD Virologist

Part 1 The History of the Infection-Theory

Part 2  The History & Lie of Viruses and Bacteria

Part 3 Henle, Pasteur and Koch – How the virus lies work.

The Infectious Myth - There are no Viruses, with James McCumiskey

David discusses the possibility with James McCumiskey of Ireland, the possibility that there are no viruses, and that this is a decades or centuries old fraud or error. James has endeavored to get proof of the existence of viruses from the virus experts in Ireland, including the NVRL (National Virus Reference Laboratory), so far to no avail.
Some hard hitting comments in this video specifically responding to Bill Gates from Robert F Kennedy Jr. Robert F Kennedy Jr talks about Bill Gates Vaccine programs: Post 24 I believe it was. Found the original: Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Vaccines and the Liberal Mind Instead of demanding blue-ribbon safety science and encouraging honest, open and responsible debate on the science, too many online outlets are silencing critics and shutting down discussion on this key public health and civil rights issue As always please do your research and draw your conclusions. 
Vaxxed Documentary: Vaxxed II Documentary: If you want to see first video about Bill Gates: 2020 Virus 17 | Ep.12 | Global Governance and Mass Vaccinations |Bill Gates: New eugenics and the rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship How Bill Gates bought his power and influence The Age of Polio, Part 1: The informed parent Shouldn’t the after-effects of vaccination be discussed before? If this video resonates with you and you feel, as I do, that it is worth sharing please share as far and as wide as you see fit. I’ll see you in the next episode. BitChute: — My book: I have written a book on health and well-being. Nothing mainstream in here, just things I’ve observed and worked out that have helped me and others who have used the ideas. You can read more about it here: Signup for more videos and offers not on YouTube: — The 2020 Virus – Balance and Perspective:

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