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Covid Lawsuits Around The World

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Our Latest News – February 23, 2021



Hello everyone!

As promised, here is what we’ve been up to…



NEW – 

We felt it was time that Canadians were made aware that there were Covid lawsuits happening around the globe. Not just in Europe, USA and South America, but in Canada as well. There are twenty-seven (27) Covid lawsuits we’ve found so far – most likely there are more we have not yet discovered.

This is huge! It is a global phenomenon – no longer considered a conspiracy theory. This is so important to follow, that we just created a whole new menu for this on our website called .

Public awareness is crucial! Why? First of all, to give everyone hope that there are legal challenges out there on all of these unconstitutional lockdown measures. And second, to inspire others to launch their own legal challenge as well. Look at what others have done and use it as a legal precedent if you can.



We have found eight  so far:

Filed: February 17, 2021 – Federal Challenge
Law firm: Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (Calgary, AB)
Applicants: 13 individuals
Respondent: Federal Government
Argument: Forcible confinement for travelers

Filed: February 9, 2021 – Kelowna, British Columbia
Law firm: Rath & Company (Calgary, AB)
Applicant: Dominic Colvin of Kelowna, BC – CEO of CannaPharmaRx
Respondents: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Transport Minister Omar Alghabra and the office of the Attorney General
Argument: Forced Quarantine at Federal Facilities – Travelers’ returning to Canada

Ruled: February 5, 2021 – Toronto, Ontario
RULED: Gyms (select few) allowed to re-open to serve clients with disabilities

Filed: February 1, 2021 – Toronto, Ontario
Law firms: Michael Swinwood, Elders Without Borders (Ottawa, ON) and Nirmala Armstrong Law Firm (Markham, ON)
Applicants: Adamson Barbecue Limited and William Adamson Skelly
Respondent: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario
Argument: Notice of Constitutional Question – three questions on the constitutional validity (or applicability) of the Reopening Ontario Act

Personal note: We are extremely proud of Adam Skelly for standing up for his legal right to keep his business open! Adam’s legal win will benefit all small business owners in Ontario and Canada. He is supported by an AMAZING legal team who are not only extremely competent at what they do, but they have such passion for justice and truly believe in Adam’s case! We are encouraging everyone to read the Notice of Constitutional Question that we have included as a PDF download on our website. There are just three questions – all of which are meant to bring truth to light. You can also watch Adam’s February 20, 2021 Press Release at the bottom of  page.

Filed: January 8, 2021 – British Columbia
Law firm: Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (Calgary, AB)
Applicants: Over 12 individuals and faith communities – redacted for privacy
Respondents: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia and Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer
Argument: Public Protest and Worship Services

Filed: December 4, 2020 – Alberta
Law firms: Rath & Company and Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (Calgary, AB)
Applicant: Redacted for privacy
Respondent: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Alberta
Argument: Challenge to Provincial Emergency Order by Public Health Officer

Filed: December 4, 2020 – Manitoba
Law firm: Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (Calgary, AB)
Applicants: 7 Churches and 2 individuals
Respondents: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Manitoba, Dr. Brent Roussin, Chief Public Health Officer and Dr. Jazz Atwal, Acting Deputy Chief Officer of Health
Argument: Public Protest and Worship Services

Filed: July 6, 2020 – Toronto, Ontario
Law firm: Rocco Galati Law Firm (Toronto, ON)
Applicants: Vaccine Choice Canada, Denis Rancourt + 7 Others (Redacted for privacy)
Respondents: 20+ including Justin Trudeau, Dr. Theresa Tam, Doug Ford, John Tory, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and Ontario including the CBC
Argument: Constitutional violations by all levels of government in their Covid-19 response including breach of fiduciary responsibility by CBC to report both sides of the news, plus much more

Additionally, there are eight , ten  and one . Look at the rulings that have come in from these other places! Here is just a sample of what has already been ruled by other international courts:
• California – Freedom of religion upheld under Constitution
• Michigan – Constitution does not permit any public official unlawfully to restrict liberties
• Pennsylvania – Key aspects of emergency order deemed unconstitutional
• Netherlands – Curfews are violation of right to freedom of movement
• Belgium – Enforced wearing of mask in public space deemed unconstitutional
• Portugal – PCR tests cannot be used as effective diagnosis of infection
• Ecuador – State of emergency deemed unconstitutional



 – March edition – coming soon!

We are preparing to receive another 10,000 copies of Druthers for distribution in the Ottawa and surrounding area. Thank you to the many people who have volunteered last month to help us distribute these. Not only is this a strategic move to get this information out to the masses, it is a very rewarding action to play in this historic time. If you feel called to help in this capacity, we could sure use it! Please email  and indicate how many bundles you could take (1 bundle = 100 copies).

Your location – anywhere in Canada: Email  to arrange for a shipment in your area.

Some ideas on how to distribute:
• Have a friend ride shot gun with you and deliver to post boxes alongside roads
• Early or late morning walks with your two or four-legged friend : )
• Canada Post delivery (cost is roughly 0.18 cents/copy) – consider splitting costs with a group of like-minded friends
• Keep some handy in your vehicle to hand out to people you run into
• Deliver them the off week of the paper recycle



Closing Thoughts…

…thank you for subscribing to our newsletter and for STANDING UP for your rights and freedoms. If we are in this for the long haul, and so it would appear, it is imperative to find balance in your life with all of this.


Winter quote Feb 23 2021


Never under estimate the power of a higher force guiding us all along the path to freedom.

We are standing with all of you….!

Stand Up Canada Team



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