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Burnaby City Council: End Pride Day Child Abuse!

Burnaby City Council: End Pride Day Child Abuse!

Burnaby City Council: End Pride Day Child Abuse! Facebook refused to post this one
petition author imageCitizenGO started this petition to Mayor Mike Hurley, Burnaby City Councilors, Premier David Eby, Minister Grace Lore, Minister Mitzi Dean, & Minister Anne Kang – 2024/07/17
British Columbia is rapidly transforming into a world where children actively perform in sexual outfits for “public entertainment.”
Reports have surfaced about how children will dress in drag and perform at this year’s Burnaby Pride Day. One of the event’s headliners is a 14-year-old autistic girl whose “drag king” stage name is Nova Tropica.
According to The Western Standard, she will be joined by at least three other children, “Charlotte Couture, 14; Melodollie, believed to be 14, and Bracken, 17, performing since she was 10”.
Given “drag” is inherently sexual, these young “performers” are mandated to wear revealing outfits while performing “adult entertainment.” In other words, the sexually grotesque routines one would see stripers regularly perform.
That is precisely what is happening here.
Child “drag stars” like Tropica have appeared wearing minimal clothing during their performances. Tropica has performed “with only strips of tape covering her chest — for tips in licensed Vancouver bars under that stage name” (The Western Standard).
Alarmingly, Tropica has stated in the past the mental and emotional anguish she experiences on her now-private Instagram profile.
On August 3, 2023, she posted:
/”Really hoping my meds will keep me stable lol Really don’t want to end up in the psych ward again … Or in a psychotic episode.”/
And a month earlier, on July 15, she posted:
/”Wow the mental health really isn’t healthing today, might just chug a monster, take my meds n hope for the best lol.”/
It is bad enough a 14-year-old girl is performing sexually for tips in front of perverted adults.
Knowing that she is on drugs and using heavily caffeinated drinks to get through her “performances” makes the terrible truth even worse!
*No child should be performing for the sexual enjoyment of adults, *especially kids who live with autism and other similar mental challenges.
/This truth is so terrible members of the LGBT community who perform drag and enjoy watching drag performances are disgusted that children are performing their “craft” for others./
*We must act now if there is any hope to save these children from being forced into a life of sex work and “adult” entertainment.*
Through rallying our voices together, we have the power to demand our elected officials and community leaders to take action against the sexual exploitation of children. Our responsibility is to do everything within our power to protect our children’s innocence and dignity.
We must act now and urge the City of Burnaby and British Columbia’s provincial political leaders to condemn the sexual exploitation of children at Burnaby Pride, scheduled to occur on the afternoon of July 20.
*That’s this Saturday!*
With your help, we will boldly demand British Columbia’s leaders stand against the sexualization of children through “drag.”
*Please sign our petition to Burnaby City Council, Premier David Eby, and other leaders demanding that they immediately cancel all Drag Performances at Burnaby Pride, especially those featuring “drag” kids.*
SLOBODIAN: 14-year-old disabled, autistic trans child being promoted as highlight of Burnaby Pride day <>
CANADA: 14-Year-Old “Trans Kid” Performing For Tips At LGBT Bars In Vancouver – Reduxx <>
Sexual Offences in Canada | Criminal Code Help <>
Child Pornography Laws in Canada | Criminal Code Help <>
Human Trafficking Laws in Canada | Criminal Code Help <>
Materially Benefiting From Prostitution Laws in Canada | Criminal Code Help <>
EXPOSED: Vancouver’s Drag Scene Under Fire For Child Exploitation <>
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End Child Exploitation at Burnaby Pride
Dear Mayor Mike Hurley, City Councilors Sav Dhaliwal, Alison Gu, Joe Keithley, Richard T. Lee, Maita Santiago, Daniel Tetrault, James Wang, Premier David Eby, Minister of Children and Family Development Grace Lore, Minister of State for Child Care Mitzi Dean, and Minister of Municipal Affairs Anne Kang,
I am deeply shocked to learn that Burnaby Pride is actively promoting child abuse.
Parents are pimping children into skimpy outfits. They will be sexually dancing for “adult” entertainment this Saturday, July 20, at Burnaby Pride Day.
It deeply disturbs me to learn an autistic child, who goes by the “drag” name of Nova Tropica, is being exploited in this way. Alarmingly, Tropica’s Instagram posts have detailed the psychological distress and medication dependency underaged “performers” experience daily.
Burnaby Pride is actively advertising Tropica as a main attraction that attendees could look forward to being “dazzled by” this weekend!
I am also deeply troubled that at least three other children will perform in drag this weekend, including 14-year-olds “Charlotte Couture,” “Melodollie,” and 17-year-old “Bracken.”
I also can not ignore the trauma these children are experiencing regarding their mental health is suffering. I can not stand idle while these children are actively being exploited and abused for financial gain.
As an elected official, you are responsible for protecting and maintaining the safety of all citizens, including protecting all children from sexual exploitation and abuse.
I demand that you stop these performances at Burnaby Pride and launch a public inquiry and criminal investigation regarding the physical, mental, and emotional treatment of these children.
Taking action now will help save these children from further sexual abuse and exploitation.
/[Your Name]/–End-Pride-Day-Child-Abuse-?utm_medium=shared&utm_campaign=EN_CA-2024-07-17-Local-NA-GTO-13540-Pride_Child_Abuse_BC.03_AA_Relaunch_1&utm_source=fb&…

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