This is Shane Clayton Getson, a member of the Alberta legislature discussing his personal experience with vaccine injury after taking the covid 19 “vaccination”.
If you have experienced a vaccine related injury, you are welcome to write to him. If you work in the health care system, you are as well invited to write to him if you feel the need. This is his Facebook profile
I was asked a while back from a lady who is making a Documentary on what happened during covid and those who were impacted negatively by the vaccine, if I’d share my own personal story with her. I obliged. I felt persecuted not only by the opposition, the news papers, heck even by some long time friends and family because I never disclosed my personal medical history and “Vaccine Status”. The video was shot back in February, there have been a few updates since then…. I’ll fill those in later, with a follow up video. I now have a vaccine exception letter, thanks to the Docs who are doing what is right by folks…and addressing the elephant in the room. *I am hopeful that the medical Community will soon do the right thing* and have and open forum to address the real issues. There are a number of folks out there with new health issues…and they are going to need help. Many are slugging it out on their own. The travel restriction policies that are still in place when it comes to the US border, and the constraints imposed by the Canadian federal government simply are out of touch. They seem to be more focused on compliance than on health at this point from what I’ve observed, and they have created a cast system for our own citizens in the process . The virus has changed so so much since the vaccine was developed…and most folks have had covid now at this point, that to me it’s simply blue on black to keep pushing the original vaccines as a policy…for travel / employment. *The vaccine as designed has little to no real effect according to the manufactures own documents for the strains that are in circulation currently.* People have to make their own choices, and I support that. Just make sure you are doing it with eyes wide open! *There are real risks, *and the outcomes are more and more common…there have been a large number of folks who have thanked me for sharing my own story, in writing and informally. My issues were minor compared to many that I have heard from others…and to those folks hang in there, you are not suffering alone. There are some very good docs out there trying to sort this out, and I believe the tide will turn again in the favour quite frankly of the general public, so folks can deal with thier new founded health issues. For those that asked for my opinions on if I would have kids take it, I’m no doc, but given the circumstances I’ve gone though, and people I’ve heard from…. *not a snowballs chance in hell would I have kids take this*, especially given where we are at right now. We are going to have to live with covid, and it would also appear, the number of adverse effects from the vaccines, even though there are a number who still don’t want to address the elephant in the room. I want nothing more than to put this behind us, but I see far too many issues out there to turn a blind eye…. we need to learn from mistakes, not put our heads in the sand. We need to make sure that folks who need help can get it. Check the egos at the door, and drop the stigmas, *that elephant is going to be seen by everyone real soon.*
If you have experienced a vaccine related injury, you are welcome to write to him. If you work in the health care system, you are as well invited to write to him if you feel the need. This is his Facebook profile
I was asked a while back from a lady who is making a Documentary on what happened during covid and those who were impacted negatively by the vaccine, if I’d share my own personal story with her. I obliged. I felt persecuted not only by the opposition, the news papers, heck even by some long time friends and family because I never disclosed my personal medical history and “Vaccine Status”. The video was shot back in February, there have been a few updates since then…. I’ll fill those in later, with a follow up video. I now have a vaccine exception letter, thanks to the Docs who are doing what is right by folks…and addressing the elephant in the room. *I am hopeful that the medical Community will soon do the right thing* and have and open forum to address the real issues. There are a number of folks out there with new health issues…and they are going to need help. Many are slugging it out on their own. The travel restriction policies that are still in place when it comes to the US border, and the constraints imposed by the Canadian federal government simply are out of touch. They seem to be more focused on compliance than on health at this point from what I’ve observed, and they have created a cast system for our own citizens in the process . The virus has changed so so much since the vaccine was developed…and most folks have had covid now at this point, that to me it’s simply blue on black to keep pushing the original vaccines as a policy…for travel / employment. *The vaccine as designed has little to no real effect according to the manufactures own documents for the strains that are in circulation currently.* People have to make their own choices, and I support that. Just make sure you are doing it with eyes wide open! *There are real risks, *and the outcomes are more and more common…there have been a large number of folks who have thanked me for sharing my own story, in writing and informally. My issues were minor compared to many that I have heard from others…and to those folks hang in there, you are not suffering alone. There are some very good docs out there trying to sort this out, and I believe the tide will turn again in the favour quite frankly of the general public, so folks can deal with thier new founded health issues. For those that asked for my opinions on if I would have kids take it, I’m no doc, but given the circumstances I’ve gone though, and people I’ve heard from…. *not a snowballs chance in hell would I have kids take this*, especially given where we are at right now. We are going to have to live with covid, and it would also appear, the number of adverse effects from the vaccines, even though there are a number who still don’t want to address the elephant in the room. I want nothing more than to put this behind us, but I see far too many issues out there to turn a blind eye…. we need to learn from mistakes, not put our heads in the sand. We need to make sure that folks who need help can get it. Check the egos at the door, and drop the stigmas, *that elephant is going to be seen by everyone real soon.*

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