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MySQIF Privacy

MySQIF Privacy

Why should you use MySQIF™ Privacy App™?

  1. Protect your privacy.
  2. Protect your trade secrets.
  3. Protect your ideas & brainstorming.
  4. Protect your writings.
  5. Protect whistleblower evidence.
  6. Protect your intellectual property.
  7. Use a product where safe, secure, trust are more than confidence tricks.

Obtain moral and legal rights to social networking

  1. Social networking is founded on the inventions of Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader® Technologies.
  2. Leader’s inventions were stolen and weaponized by British and American banks, governments and their selected corporate “partners,” notably the British Pilgrims Society, British Crown agents, British Admiralty, American Senior Executive Service (SES), IBM, and the U.S. Departments of Defense, Commerce, and Justice.
  3. Leader’s R&D investors have never been paid for their risk in supporting the creation of social networking that you have enjoyed. Is that fair?
  4. Users of social networking have accepted, without question, the general claim that the invention was free and “open source.” This is how the thieves sold it to an undiscriminating public.
  5. Your MySQIF license gives you a full social networking license to get you legal on all devices.

Available Now! Why should you use Leader® Private Email™?

  1. Everyone uses Email these days, most of them are “free.”
  2. “When the service is free, the product is me.”
  3. If you don’t protect your Constitutional rights on principle, they will eventually be taken away by predators and tyrants.
  4. These “free” services cajole subscribers into a deceptive license where you agree to let them exploit your information–all the time.
  5. Free services steal 100% of your personal data and sell it to third parties, incl. microtargeting to influence voting preferences with autosuggestions.
  6. Leader® Private Email™ makes a simple pledge: We will not read your email.
  7. Leader® Private Email™ costs $50 to set up and $10 per month to provide you truly safe, secure, and trustworthy Email where the government does not intrude.
  8. Banks and their fascist companies are not spying on you 24x7x365.


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MySQIF Privacy

Why should you use MySQIF™ Privacy App™? Protect your privacy. Protect your trade secrets. Protect your ideas & brainstorming. Protect your

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