Pfizer’s Shots Aren’t Safe and Were Never Shown To Be Pfizer’s Shots Aren’t Safe and Were Never Shown To Be Story at-a-glance * Dr. Kathryn Edwards, a member of Pfizer’s data safety monitoring board (DSMB), was previously a paid adviser to Pfizer. DSMBs are supposed to be independent, and aren’t if members have previous relationships with the company * German autopsies found “highly unusual […]
World Health Organization publishes video calling COVID jab skeptics a ‘major killing force’
World Health Organization publishes video calling COVID jab skeptics a ‘major killing force’ Thu Dec 15, 2022 – 12:49 pm EST (LifeSiteNews
Germans Unleash Spike Protein Bombshell – a dagger through the heart for Pfizer
*Germans Unleash Spike Protein Bombshell*
Vaccination Confidence in Canada: Online Conversation and Audience Analysis
Vaccination Confidence in Canada: Online Conversation and Audience Analysis In preparation for increased vaccination education, promotion, and outreach, The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is requiring the services of a consultant to analyze the vaccine related conversations on social media and PHAC social media initiative and campaign performance.
WHO threatens “anti-vaccine activists” and labels unvaccinated a “major killing force”
As the chorus of “Covid vaccines are unsafe” grows, WHO threatens “anti-vaccine activists” and labels unvaccinated a “major killing force” *Last Wednesday, the World Health Organization (“WHO”) labelled
British MP calls for immediate suspension of Convid vaccines
This is huge. British MP Andrew Bridgen calls for immediate suspension of Convid vaccines and admits “mRNA” vaccines are not safe” We all knew this so why has it taken this long for a politician to stand in parliament and state the obvious. This is huge. British MP Andrew Bridgen calls for immediate suspension of […]
Why won’t a debunked conspiracy theory about doctors harmed by the COVID vaccine go away?
INSANE – Unvaccinated drivers: safety risk?
Unvaccinated drivers: safety risk? Unvaccinated drivers pose safety risk, says government-funded study View this email in your browser
WHO member states agree to develop legally-binding pandemic treaty
*WHO member states agree to develop legally-binding pandemic treaty * Mike CampbellDecember 8, 2022The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that member states inched closer to developing a legally binding global pandemic treaty.*Sign Our Petition Against The Treaty HERE
China’s Stunning Revolt: Their Lockdowns vs Our Lockdowns
China’s Stunning Revolt: Their Lockdowns vs Our Lockdowns China’s regime broke the ice in 2020 with lockdowns—now the ice is breaking them Open in app
Dr. David E Martin gives explosive jaw dropping information. Trudeau and Canadian Government complicit in the covid crime
Dr. David E Martin gives explosive jaw dropping information. Trudeau and Canadian Government complicit in the covid crime Dr Martin explains in detail how the University of B C has enabled the development of the bio weapon being presented as a “vaccine”. He also names Justin Trudeau as a key player in the outrageous crime. […]
G20 Pushes Vaccine Passports For All Future,,International Travel
G20 Pushes Vaccine Passports For All Future International Travel The G20 has issued a formal decreepromoting vaccine passports as preparation for any future pandemic responsein its final communique.Indonesian Health MinisterBudi Gunadi Sadikin, speaking on the matter on behalf of the G20 host country, had earlier in the summit called for a “digital health certificate” using […]
Fwd: G20 Countries Commit to WHO Global Health Passports
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Doctors On Tour Kelowna Pt.1 – Dr. Rachel Maurice Dec 13, 2021 | Irnieracing News
THE EMBASSY CHURCH PAOC Doctors On Tour Kelowna Pt.1 – Dr. Rachel Maurice Dec 13, 2021 | Irnieracing News Marcel Irnie 187K subscribers 16,349 views Premiered Dec 14, 2021 Doctors On Tour Kelowna BC December 13, 2021 Pt.1 “Dr. Rachel Maurice – Anesthesiologist in Kamloops BC tells her family story.” Irnieracing News Civil Rights & […]
Sucker Punch: The “Science” Behind “Social Distancing” Was Made Up, Entirely Random
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The Covid-19 Blame Game Is About to Get Very Nasty.
Site logo image brianpeckford posted: ” By: Terry Burton I sense the Covid-19 winds are about to descend from their stratospheric irrational and unscientific heights. These winds of change will bring with them massive blame, finger pointing, claims of I was only following the experts’ advi” peckford42
Hospital visitation COVID 19 exceptions in British Columbia Canada
If you are being told to vaccinate in order to visit a patient, this should nullify that policy for you ! Show the policy to the person who is restricting your entry: Visitors to hospitals must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, with some exceptions We will continue to screen all visitors before each visit and […]
PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL Emergency Program Act Ministerial Order No. WHEREAS a declaration of a state of emergency throughout the whole of the Province of British Columbia was declared on March 18, 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic; AND WHEREAS face coverings, when used in […]
Newest Threat to Medical Freedom—Monkeypox “Emergency”
Health Impact News