At the South Pole one cold weather record after another is being pulverised

Site logo image brianpeckford posted: ” While hundreds of private jets flew to the UN climate summit in Egypt not long ago, several cold records were smashed at the South Pole. On 16, 17 and 18 November, records were broken or equaled. On 18 November, the mercury dropped to -45,2 degrees Cels” peckford42
Fact check: PayPal has NOT rescinded its policy of looting user accounts for thousands of dollars when they don’t like what you say
CITIZENS NEWS Top Stories from Independent Journalists Across the Web Fact check: PayPal has NOT rescinded its policy of looting user accounts for thousands of dollars when they don’t like what you say By ethanh // 2022-10-17 Confusion is circulating right now about PayPal’s new “misinformation” policy that allows the company to steal $2,500 per […]
Bill C 11 the Online Streaming Act
*Bill C-11 gives the CRTC unprecedented regulatory authority to monitor all online audiovisual content*. This power extends to penalizing content creators and platforms and through them, content creators that fail to comply. ———————————————————————— First published on April 4, 2022. Canada’s House of Commons has passed Bill C-11, the Online Streaming Act – and the Senate […]
BC’s Mental Health Act
Mental Health Act [RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 288 /Contents/ Part 1 — Interpretation 1 Definitions Part 2 — Administration 2 Establishment of facilities and services 3 Designation of mental health facilities 4 Transfer of facilities 5 Licensing of private mental health facilities 6 Persons entitled to service 7 Repealed 8 Powers and duties of directors 9 […]
IMF Chief says Central Bank Digital Currency should be used alongside Social Credit System to control what people can and cannot buy
Site logo image The Exposé posted: ” The deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently explained how Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) can be programmed to determine what people are allowed to buy and insisted they should be used alongside a China-style Soc” The Expose IMF Chief says Central Bank Digital Currency […]
Dutch farmers violently protest job-destroying climate change policy

Dutch farmers violently protest job-destroying climate change policy According to Bloomberg, yesterday, several farmers also brought their cows to parliament to protest the policy, going so far as threatening to slaughter them on the spot. “If the nitrogen measures are adopted, one of these two ladies [cows] will not go home but will receive a […]
20 Seconds of truth from Joe Biden

* * ** *20 Seconds of truth from Joe Biden speaking * ** *with **Jay Inslee **governor of Washington state*×584/52BXOWEjhictXhHS.mp4?tag=12