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The US military prepared forests for,incineration. INCLUDING FORT,MCMURRAY CANADA

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The US military prepared forests for,incineration. INCLUDING FORT,MCMURRAY CANADA

The US military prepared forests for incineration. INCLUDING FORT MCMURRAY CANADA
Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth’s last remaining forests in order to achieve the objectives of the global controllers? The short answer is yes.
A formerly classified US military document titled *”Forest Fire As A Military Weapon”* is a truly shocking exposé of planned scorched Earth destruction. The US Forest Service actually participated in the research and planning that went into this military instruction manual for carrying out orchestrated forest fire catastrophes. What part have climate intervention operations played in the preparation of forests for extreme and unprecedented incineration all over the world? This short video report reveals the shocking degree of research that the US military and the US Forest Service has put into preparing forests for extreme incineration.
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“After a lecture a journalist asked me how she could be certain that my information was not just as biased as that of the cholesterol campaign. At first I did not know what to say. Afterwards I found the answer. She could not be certain. Everyone must gain the truth in an active way. If you want to know something you must look at all the premises yourself, listen to all the arguments yourself, and then decide for yourself what seems to be the most likely answer. You may be easily led astray if you ask the authorities to do this work for you. This is also the answer to those who wonder why even honest scientists are misled. And it is also the answer to those who after reading this book, ask the same question.”

Dr Uffe Ravenskov MD PhD
Author of The Cholesterol Myths
Exposing the fallacy that saturated fat and cholesterol causes heart disease


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