Public Must Reduce Standard of Living by 75%
to Stop ‘Global Warming,’ Media Warns
Governments must introduce measures to reduce the public’s standard of living by a staggering 75 percent, using force if necessary, globalist corporate media outlets are now warning.
The public must take drastic measures to reduce individuals’ so-called “carbon footprint” to stop “global warming,” according to the BBC.
In its “Future World” series, the BBC warns viewers that choosing to live an “ultra-low carbon lifestyle” is no longer an option and calls for the standards to be mandated by governments. The public-funded British media outlet insists that a dramatic reduction in living standards is now required if the planet is to be saved fromallegedly man-made“climate change.”
According to the BBC, however, “climate change” is too important for “carbon footprint” reduction to be left to personal choice, and is calling on governments around the world to step in. Right now, the “carbon footprint” of someone living in the developed world ranges anywhere from 4.46 metric tons per year in France, all the way up to 15.43 metric tons per year in Canada. In the United States, the average person’s carbon footprint clocks in at 14.67 metric tons per year, according toBomb Thrower.
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to Stop ‘Global Warming,’ Media Warns
Governments must introduce measures to reduce the public’s standard of living by a staggering 75 percent, using force if necessary, globalist corporate media outlets are now warning.
The public must take drastic measures to reduce individuals’ so-called “carbon footprint” to stop “global warming,” according to the BBC.
In its “Future World” series, the BBC warns viewers that choosing to live an “ultra-low carbon lifestyle” is no longer an option and calls for the standards to be mandated by governments. The public-funded British media outlet insists that a dramatic reduction in living standards is now required if the planet is to be saved fromallegedly man-made“climate change.”
According to the BBC, however, “climate change” is too important for “carbon footprint” reduction to be left to personal choice, and is calling on governments around the world to step in. Right now, the “carbon footprint” of someone living in the developed world ranges anywhere from 4.46 metric tons per year in France, all the way up to 15.43 metric tons per year in Canada. In the United States, the average person’s carbon footprint clocks in at 14.67 metric tons per year, according toBomb Thrower.
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