*Excerpted from the act;*
*COVID-19 vaccination — paragraph (1)(f)** **(3) Despite paragraph (1)(f), a person is not eligible for a lockdown benefit if they lost their employment, were unable to perform self-employment work or had a reduction in income because they refused to comply with a requirement to be vaccinated against COVID-19.*
*Unknown to many Canadians* the Federal government has brought forward Bill C-2 “An Act to provide further support in response to COVID-19.” By the title of this Bill, one may be of the opinion that this Bill will assist Canadians whereas*nothing could be further from the truth.*
Buried in this Bill are some extremely draconian aspects which interfere with provincial jurisdiction and*make life in Canada unsustainable*. One aspect of this Bill is the statement that *the Governor General (G.G.) may designate “lockdown regions.” * This involves recommendations from the Minister of Health and/or the Minister of finance.
These “lockdown regions” are established under “lockdown orders.” These orders include*“administrative monetary penalty”* and are defined as:
“lockdown order means an order, regulation or other instrument made by a competent authority
(a) imposing, for reasons related to COVID-19, among other measures, (i) *the closure to the public,* in the region specified in the order, regulation or other instrument, of premises where persons carry out commercial activities or provide services that are not essential to preserving life, health, public safety or basic societal functioning, or (ii) a requirement, applicable in the region specified in the order, regulation or other instrument, that persons *stay at home* except for reasons that are essential to preserving life, health, public safety or basic societal functioning; and (b) *non-compliance* with which is an offence or may result in the imposition of a sanction, including an administrative monetary penalty.” [1]
Administrative monetary penalties (AMP) at the federal level are to be very few and yet here the federal government is using them to violate your and your provincial rights. AMPs are defined, at the provincial level, as:
“About administrative monetary penalties
Administrative monetary penalties (AMPs) are a civil (rather than quasi-criminal) mechanism for enforcing compliance with regulatory requirements. They are an effective, quick, clear and tangible way for regulators to respond to infractions of the law. In practice, a monetary penalty is assessed and imposed in the form of a notice with a prescribed date and time for payment. While monetary penalties do not lead to convictions or pose a risk of imprisonment, administrative decisions may still be made (e.g. demerit points, *driver license suspensions*).
Because *AMPs are imposed without a court hearing*, other protections are put in place (e.g. unbiased decision maker, right to be heard) to ensure that the process for imposing a penalty is fair and in accordance with the principles of natural justice. AMP systems have been upheld by the courts as appropriate for matters under *provincial control*.” [2]
At the federal level there are various Acts which use AMPs, but as this is “civil” in nature it shouldn’t be part of the federal government’s avenue of use. This could mean that*the federal government may impose egregious fines and force the forfeiture of property, on the presumption that there may or may not be a “regional” issue with a virus*. Not to mention that if the federal government has a bias this could be used against any of the various provinces to slow down and/or end the opening up of businesses. *This could mean job losses and/or business closures that are unwarranted.*
* **The other extreme issue with Bill C-2 is the requirement that one be vaccinated to receive their Employment Insurance (EI) payments.*
In conclusion the federal government, it would seem, is over-stepping and is going down a path where Canadians may not want it going. Consider this –*if they can withhold E.I. benefits for non-vaccination will they also withhold other benefits if one says something contradictory to government? Freedom of expression is also a right of Canadians and yet it is also in jeopardy with this Bill *– the slippery slope seems to be growing and it is up to Canadians to put the brakes on this run-away train.
*The complete Act is available here; *