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Dr. Bonnie Henry sued over COVID-19 measures

Dr. Bonnie Henry sued over COVID-19 measures

Dr. Bonnie Henry sued by a group headed by software engineer who questioned official story on 9/11 attacks
byCharlie Smith <>onJanuary 30th, 2021at3:22 PM
* Dr. Bonnie Henry hasn’t filed a statement of defence in response to a notice of civil claim trying to cancel public-health orders.
* Dr. Bonnie Henry hasn’t filed a statement of defence in response to a notice of civil claim trying to cancel public-health orders.
Most British Columbians have never heard ofKip Warner <>, executive director of the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy.
But the Vancouver senior software engineer may become better known as a result of a lawsuit that the society recently filed against the B.C. government and Dr. Bonnie Henry in her capacity as the provincial health officer.
* COVID-19 in B.C.: Dr. Bonnie Henry talks about travel risks, longterm care vaccinations, and more <> * Canada’s COVID-19 travel restrictions: What you need to know <> * COVID-19 in B.C.: Whistler becomes hotspot for new cases, criticism of Vancouver queue jumpers, and more <> * Elisa-Marie Baglione: This is what COVID-19 looks like <> * B.C. antilockdown activist Marco Pietro denies Holocaust <>
It’s hoping to have the legal action certified as a class action.
And the society wants nothing less than a court declaration that all ministerial orders and public health orders in response to the pandemic be set aside as “unreasonable”.
“Pandemic is a word that, if misused, can cause unreasonable fear, or unjustified acceptance that the fight is over, leading to unnecessary suffering and death,” the plaintiff’s notice of civil claim states.
The society’s lawyer is Polina Furtula of Citadel Law Corporation. The World Health Organization described COVID-19 as a pandemic on March 11, 2020.
The notice of civil claim also alleges that Henry is in violation of her Hippocratic oath as a physician.
None of the allegations have been proven in court.
The notice of civil claim maintains that most people infected with COVID-19 have experienced “mild to moderate influenza-like symptoms that abated quickly”.  And it purports that “public statements respecting COVID-19 deaths misrepresent the true fatality of this disease”.
“Despite the relatively low number of persons infected by COVID-19 in British Columbia, the Public Health Officer failed to provide notice that the emergency had passes and the Lieutenant Governor in Council [the cabinet] continued to extend the emergency declaration under EPA [Emergency Program Act].”
Warner is among four people who organized a fundraiser for the court case on GoFundMe. As of this writing, it’s raised $18,250 from 104 donors.
In 2011, Warner wrote a seven-pageopen letter <>to Vic Toews, then public safety minister in the Stephen Harper–led Conservative government, seeking an investigation into the 9/11 attacks.
In this letter, Warner left little doubt he suspected that bankers were responsible for airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center rather than al-Qaeda operatives living in caves.
“The planting and raising of flags, cultural identity, nationalism, the signing of treaties, my grandfather’s beach landing and capture at Dieppe, revolutions, and so on are all merely the noise and objects of concern of a vanquished people in the bankster’s mind, unbeknownst to an insolvent nation, for they are truly as nihilistic as they are ravenous,” Warner stated in the letter. “Blackbeard had nothing on them.
“In all likelihood, if history has taught us anything, it would be of little surprise to learn that this cabal may well have had their hand in 9/11, bearing the credentials and having a long, successful, and well documented track record in similar affairs. The Rothschilds having ‘conquered the world more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Caesars before or all the Hitlers after them’ are automatically short listed among the usual suspects. The more consideration we give the matter, the more irrelevant phantom thespians and bearded cave men become.”
Antimask activists such as Marco Pietro, Odessa Orlewicz, and Susan Standfield have tried to draw awareness over social media to the lawsuit against Henry. Late last year, Pietrodeclared on Facebook <>that he’s a “Holocaust disbeliever”.

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“After a lecture a journalist asked me how she could be certain that my information was not just as biased as that of the cholesterol campaign. At first I did not know what to say. Afterwards I found the answer. She could not be certain. Everyone must gain the truth in an active way. If you want to know something you must look at all the premises yourself, listen to all the arguments yourself, and then decide for yourself what seems to be the most likely answer. You may be easily led astray if you ask the authorities to do this work for you. This is also the answer to those who wonder why even honest scientists are misled. And it is also the answer to those who after reading this book, ask the same question.”

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